July 2003 Archives

Added 7/27

Hi All, Everything's back to normal (whatever that is!) and everyone is feeling much better.  Logan ended up having Roseola where he ran a fever for 3 days and once it broke he got spots on his chest.  They're all gone now and it's seemed to have run it's course.  Lisa's feeling much better too and is back to her pregnancy misery in the heat of the summer!  Lisa's good friend Becky came to visit us this weekend.  I had "Logan Duty", which is fine by me, and the women went shopping.  So, fun was had by all!  Just a few pictures this week.  I took some of Logan at the park.  He can now slide down the slide, get off, climb up on the edge and climb back up to the top all by himself.  He's getting strong and bigger - amazing!  Have a great week - Love, Rich, Lisa, & Logan.

Added 7/21

Hi Everyone,  It was a "stay at home" weekend this time.  Unfortunately, Lisa has been sick all weekend and Logan has been running a fever on and off since Friday night.  You can see in some of the pictures below that Logan has been a snuggle-bum.  His fever has pretty much broken now and Lisa is starting to come around, so hopefully it will be a better week.  Have a good one - Love Rich, Lisa, & Logan.

Added 7/13

Hi All - Well, it was rainy here most of the weekend, so we didn't get a lot of outside time with the boy.  He has been such a sweet boy the past few days = no big meltdowns, which has been a nice change!  We love his strong personality, but it can be a little too strong at times...

Logan has been playing hide and seek lately which has been a lot of fun.  The last picture in this series is of me "finding" Logan with the camera and snapping a pic. 

Have a great week!  Love, Rich, Lisa & Logan

Added 7/6

Hi Everyone, We hope you had a great 4th of July.  We sure did - Mom & Dad are here and we invited some friends over for a BBQ.  We were thinking about taking in the fireworks, but decided we were probably going to be pushing our luck with Logan - so we watched them on TV.  Boy, how life has changed!  In this past week, Logan has really been learning new words and talking up a storm.  He has now learned "Oh No" and has been using that phrase quite frequently.  Logan put together his first phrase this weekend - he said "Hi Dadda" when I walked into his room in the morning - Lisa and my jaws pretty much were on the floor!  Have a great week!  Love, Rich, Lisa, & Logan