March 2003 Archives

Added 3/26

Hi All, Anita left for home today. She came down to help Mike do some painting and stayed with us since Saturday. It's been great having some help around here! A bunch of flowers and plants got put into the ground, we filled 17 garbage bags and one large wagon full of leaves and stuff from the back yard. Mike and I built his new fireplace mantel - I mis-measured the last one and built it the wrong size. Overall, pretty darned productive I must say. These pictures are courtesy of Anita. She took some great ones, especially of Logan running around in the back yard. Thanks Anita! Love, Rich, Lisa & Logan

Added 3/16

Hi Everyone, Well, Logan's teeth are still bothering him, the poor thing. His spirits are good most of the time, but when he's had enough - watch out! Just a few pics this week. I think instead of buying Logan toys, from now on we'll be getting him new pans. He loves those things! Of course, Logan had to sign his Mommy's birthday card. He had a lot of fun with that, until he started marking up his face with ball-point. Daddy had to take it away - that went well! Have a great week, Love, Rich, Lisa & Logan.

Added 3/9

Hi All, We snapped some pictures tonight for you. As you can see, Logan was a bit sleepy. He didn't take a nap at all today, so he was struggling a bit this evening. It looks like his incisors are almost through - could be the reason behind his crazy sleep patterns this past week. Have a good one, Love, Rich, Lisa & Logan

Added 3/2

Hi Everyone, It was mostly a rainy weekend, but today the clouds broke for a bit - so we ran around with Logan this afternoon. Needless to say, he's sleeping very hard right now! We took him on his first carousel ride. And as you can see from the pictures below, he clung onto Mommy like a monkey! We got him on the horse when the carousel stopped to snap a quick picture. He didn't cry, but I think it scared him a little. That carousel goes around faster than Daddy every realized. Riding backwards taking pictures made me a little woozey myself - I think I'll be facing forward from now on!

Then it was on to the park and finally a stop at the beach. I think Mommy and Daddy are going to sleep well tonight, too.

Have a great week and God Bless - Love, Rich, Lisa & Logan.