April through May 2009 Archives


Logan had his "Spring Fling" at school this past week.  Really nice production, and Logan did great!  We did a little hiking this weekend on Indian Mountain.  A little longer hike than we've been doing and wow, it was beautiful.

Have a great week!  Love, Rich, Lisa, Logan & Hannah


We've got a few new pictures this week.  Lisa went to visit Mike and Melissa last weekend and got to spend time with baby Ally.  She had a blast - wish we were all there!  Logan got in some ice skating with the Cub Scouts.  He did really well considering he never skated before.  Such a positive attitude - he never let falling get in the way of fun.  We got some close ups of our goofy kids this morning and had fun at the Butterfly Pavilion this afternoon for Cooper's birthday party.  They got to handle some bugs (which Mommy and Daddy refused to do) and saw all kinds of beautiful butterflies.  A really nice experience - we'll be going back there soon.

Have a great week!  Love, Rich, Lisa, Logan & Hannah



Happy Easter Everyone!

Pretty amazing when I look at the above picture and contrast it with the one in the upper left-hand side of our website - what a difference 3 years makes!

We had a great Easter up in the mountains this year.  The kids were concerned that the Easter Bunny wouldn't find them since we weren't home, but their fears were calmed when they saw the eggs on the deck when they awoke this morning...

There's been quite a bit of activities going on the past couple of weeks.  Uncle Chris came to visit, which the kids were ecstatic about, we went to see the Harlem Globetrotters with Logan's Cub Scouts - and best of all, we got to witness Logan's rad skilz when we got home that evening.  And most of all, Logan is very excited that he got his hair cut this week.  I think he sweet talked the hairdresser into cutting his hair really short.  He's been wanting all of the curls cut out and this time he succeeded - you should have seen Lisa's face when we got home!