April 2005 Archives
Added 4/22
Hi Everyone,
Anita spent the week with us and just left on Tuesday. The kids had a blast and Lisa enjoyed a bit of a break from the daily routines. Speaking of that, Lisa is on a mini vacation with her mom for the weekend. So it's just me and the kids for 4 days. It's been a lot of fun, but they are definitely a challenge. I was brave enough to take them to breakfast this morning - and they did great. When we were sitting there eating our pancakes, I was thinking how it could have gone the other way and been a disaster, but they took it easy on the rookie!
It's been beautiful weather here, so it's been great getting outside with the kids. Hannah and Logan have been playing together more and more, which is great to see. Logan has even been a little helper, getting Hannah toys and explaining to her than "Momma is at the airport"...
Have a great week! Love, Rich, Lisa, Logan & Hannah
Added 4/10
Hi All,
It seems to be getting old talking about our sick children! Hannah and Logan both ran fevers most of this week. Logan is finally back to normal (however that can be defined...), but Hannah is still running low-grade. They both visited the Dr. this past week. Logan asked the doctor if he would listen to his bear's heart first and of course the Dr. obliged. Once "bear" checked out fine, Logan was ready for his own checkup. Logan told me all about it when I got home from work - how he got to stand on the "foot scale", how the Dr. put something in his mouth and made him go "ahhhh, ahhhh" and how it was fun to go to the doctor.
Hannah counted to five today. We caught her counting her piece of cheese and whispering her numbers. I tried to catch it on tape, but to no avail. That's usually how it works out. She's really broadening her vocabulary - to some words we don't like so much (or at least the attitude behind them), like "No, Mine, Move", but some just flat-out shock us, like "sticker, grape, towel" and the winner - "frog go night-night", which she said today about her stuffed frog laying in her crib.
Have a great week! Love, Rich, Lisa, Logan & Hannah