February 2004 Archives
Added 2/29
Hi Everyone, We finally got Logan and Hannah in near enough proximity to be able to put up a new picture of them together. It wasn't easy. This is the best shot out of 10. The others were either blurs of a little boy, or someone crying (like Mommy or Daddy).
Logan has been staying up this past week until after 10PM. We're not sure what we're going to do. He's been staying up reading books, which seems better than playing with knives, but we'd still prefer that he gets a good night's sleep. We'll go in and tell him to go to sleep and he'll just look up from his books and grin - the little stinker. So tonight, the 6th night of this, we took all of his books out of his room and as of 10PM it hasn't made one bit of difference. He has lined up his stuffed animals and is using them for company. Click here to see...
Hannah is doing great. Still hasn't gotten the rolling thing figured out, although she's getting her temper better defined. She is getting so strong. We've been standing her up more often and she's getting her balance down pretty well. This week she has especially improved with her fine motor skills. She is able to grab at things, like my beard or a toy.
As for the pictures below, I snuck in and snapped a picture of Logan sleeping and holding his foot like Hannah did in last week's pictures. Hannah is just as smiley as ever, and I took a picture of Logan and I - it's hard to tell, but he was saying "cheese!".
Have a great week, Love, Rich, Lisa, Logan & Hannah.
Added 2/22
Hi All, Everything is going great here. The weather is starting to shape up - so Logan can play in the back porch without a jacket and we can take the kids for walks around the neighborhood.
Today we packed Logan and Hannah in the jogger and made our way to a kite festival at the beach. We didn't bring the camera, so no pictures there. Logan and Hannah both do really well in the jogger. Logan points out all of the things he knows the words for - like tree, puppy, water, cat, ladybug (used for all bugs), bike, big-truck (no such thing as a small truck or truck), beach, bird, and depot (for Home Depot, used whenever he sees bright orange).
I think we're into our third week and Hannah still is waking us up in the middle of the night because she can't roll herself back when she rolls onto her stomach. We've been trying to teach her, but to no avail...
A few descriptions of the pictures below: #1 - this is how Logan still sleeps sometimes. I don't know if it's a baby thing or something hereditary, but Hannah is now sleeping holding her foot too; #3 - Logan playing with shaving cream. He had a good time with it and surprisingly didn't care about his hands being messy - he usually wants them wiped when they're dirty; #6 - Hard to capture motion, but that is a picture of Logan dancing. He's been doing a lot more of that lately. Last night we had out the tambourines and maracas and Momma, Dadda, and Logan were dancing and making all kinds of noise with our instruments - what we won't do for our children!
The final two pictures Lisa and Anita had taken at a photographer last week. I finally got them scanned in.
Have a great week, Love, Rich, Lisa, Logan & Hannah
Added 2/15
Hi Everyone, Anita spent the week with us. She painted our living room (pictures to follow later), babysat the kids and really helped around the house - we're going to miss her when she leaves tomorrow. Anita also contributed some of the pictures this week.
Hannah is getting stronger - she's standing up with our help, but it isn't taking much help for her to do it. Unfortunately, she still hasn't figured out how to roll herself from her tummy to her back yet, so we're still getting up a few times a night to flip her back when she rolls. She gets so mad about it!
Logan is doing well. He's been having sleeping problems lately - which basically means he doesn't want to go to sleep. Since he can reach the light switch he's been turning on the light in his room 2 hours after he's supposed to be asleep and pulling out some books to read. I guess the book thing is okay, but we'd really like to see him go to sleep and stay that way!
Have a great week. Love, Rich, Lisa, Logan & Hannah
Added 2/8
Hi All, Hannah has started to roll over, from her back to her tummy. If you remember last month, we had pictures showing her roll from her tummy to her back. Unfortunately, she seems to have forgotten how to do that now and has been flailing on her tummy waiting for someone to turn her over. Of course, the night I was out of town for work earlier this week, Hannah woke Lisa up 7 times during the night to roll her back! Hannah is growing so fast, she just turned 4 months old yesterday and she's wearing 9 month old clothes. She's already outgrown most of her warm weather sleepers - by inches. Amazing.
Logan is still doing well. He's been pushing us pretty hard, and just when we both think we've had enough and are ready to sell him, he turns around and does something sweet. He's been enjoying playing on our new back porch. He has plenty of room to ride his tricycle. Today, he pedaled it all the way across and then pedaled backwards all the way back. I ran to get the video camera, but he wouldn't do it again for me. I'll catch him sometime. Logan still really enjoys his tools. As you can see in a picture below, he's using his screwdriver to fix the door. He watched our contractor make some adjustments to the door earlier in the day, so Logan decided to adjust it back.
We've also included some precious pictures that Lisa's grandma, Irene, sent us that we hung in Hannah's room. They fit the room perfectly as you can see and we are really enjoying having them. Thanks Irene!
Have a great week! Love, Rich, Lisa, Logan & Hannah
Added 2/1
Hi Everyone, It's been quite a week. I'm starting to turn the corner and feeling better, while Lisa, Logan and Hannah all have caught a nasty cold. It looks like Lisa got it the worst and luckily Hannah got just a little of it. It's taken Logan down, but it hasn't stopped him from getting in trouble! He's been testing us big time.
My parents left this morning to go back to Iowa. I think they were questioning why they were going back to such a miserable winter. We sure enjoyed them being here for a month and will miss them. It's nice to get a taste of what it would be like to have family around. They were a real help this month. Have a great week!
Love, Rich, Lisa, Logan & Hannah