January 2004 Archives
Added 1/25
Hi All, Sorry you had to wait an extra week for pictures, but I've got a whole slew of them to show you, so that should make up for it!
My parents have been staying at a condo here in St. Augustine since the beginning of the month and my sister, Karen, came in from San Diego for a week. She was here until this past Wednesday. I swear, it felt like she was here for two days - time flies by way too fast!
It was Christmas all over again at our house last week. Really, how many Christmases can these two spoiled children (and parents) take?
Added 1/11
Hi Everyone, Another page has turned at our residence - Logan is now out of his crib and sleeping in a big-boy bed. This past week we've been watching him sling his leg over the edge of his crib. So instead of waiting until he broke a leg, we decided it was time. Naps have been a challenge, but so far he's been going to sleep just fine in the nighttime (knock on wood, I don't want to jinx it!)
Hannah also moved from the bassinet in our bedroom to sleeping in her own crib at night. I think Lisa's ear was pretty close to the monitor last night!
We went from being at the ocean last weekend to wearing a stocking cap this weekend. Logan brought me his shoes this morning and asked to go to the beach. His sentences aren't complete yet, but we could make out the words "beach, ocean, boat, and bird". So instead of going the hypothermia route, we went to the park instead...
Have a great week! Love, Rich, Lisa, Logan & Hannah
Added 1/05
Happy New Year! We have new pictures from all over this week. Lisa's Mom, Linda, and her husband, Richard, came to visit this past week - so it was Christmas all over again for our two very spoiled children. As you will see in the first picture, Logan was VERY excited about his new recorder. It's a favorite now - he was tootin' it tonight.
Of course, it's a cruel trick played by the toy companies to wire wrap every piece of a toy to the box - usually a 5 to 10 minute ordeal. The next photo captures how long that is in "Toddler Hours".
Hannah rolled over for the first time last night! Lisa put her on her tummy and whamo - over she went - over and over and over. She's not rolling from her back to her tummy, but when she does, it is reassuring knowing that she can roll herself back. Also, look at those neck muscles on that baby girl!
The weather here has been amazing. In the low 80's the past couple of days. We took advantage of that yesterday and took Logan to the beach. He had a blast, chasing birds, chasing his ball, and running with wild abandon directly towards the waves. Our little water boy...
Have a great week! Love, Rich, Lisa, Logan & Hannah