October 2003 Archives

Added 10/27

Hi All,  It's official - our Baby Logan is now 2.  Unbelievable to us how time has flown by.  He went for his 2 year checkup last week and is still 97 percentile for height and 90th for weight.  I'd tell you how tall and heavy he is, but I forgot and Lisa is in bed right now!  Logan had a great birthday - truly spoiled rotten!  It's like a toy explosion around here!  Well, I better get all of these pictures up and call it a night.  Thanks to Anita for a bunch of these!

Love, Rich, Lisa, Logan & Hannah

Added 10/19

Hi Everyone,  Things have been going well this past week.  As you can see below, Logan had quite a bit of work to do on the computer.  He practiced walking in Dadda's sandals - and did a pretty good job of it I must say!  Tonight, Logan got to wear his new pajamas for the first time.  We bought them this weekend - when Lisa first showed "The Wiggles" shirt to him in the store, he hid behind me and smiled, like they were real.  He carried his PJ top around with him the rest of the day and laughed every time he looked at the picture.  I don't know what it is about those queer looking guys, but they sure do make Logan laugh!  Have a great week, Love, Rich, Lisa, Logan & Hannah

Added 10/12

Hi All,  Logan is proving to be pretty adaptable considering all of the commotion around here.  We've been working at giving him extra attention, which of course he's eating up.  He's had a bit of a cold this past week, which took him out of the running for seeing his mom and Hannah at the hospital.  He's been doing better, but it seems to be a slow one to get rid of.  Linda has been doing an excellent job of chasing this little boy around - not an easy task given that he's a fast little booger - even with a cold.  Uncle Mike came down on Saturday and took Logan to the park.  It was good for Logan to get out of the house with his godfather and play around.  Thanks also to Linda for contributing some of the pictures this week!

Love, Rich, Lisa, Logan & Hannah

Added 10/05

Hi Everyone,  Well, it's Sunday afternoon and we're trying to get a few things done before Lisa goes into the hospital tomorrow morning to be induced.  Linda has been here a week now in anticipation of this baby coming - so we've been spoiled rotten around here.  Not much else to say this afternoon - keep us in your prayers.

Love, Rich, Lisa, & Logan