September 2003 Archives

Added 9/28

Hi All,  Not much longer and Logan isn't going to be our baby any more.  We've been beginning to accept that anyway, since he's getting more hair and growing like a weed - but in the next couple of weeks it will be official!  Lisa is doing okay for being incredibly pregnant.  Should be any day now.  I'll post new pictures and such as soon as I can when Baby Girl comes.

Until then, have a good one, Love, Rich, Lisa & Logan

Added 9/22

Hi All,  Just a few pics this week.  We've been busy getting ready for Baby Girl's arrival.  Of course it had to heat back up this weekend, so I about keeled over working outside.  But at least the lawn's mowed, fertilized, etc. - so one more thing down.  Logan has been doing great.  He had a bit of a fever earlier in the week - up to 102.5 and then it went away about a day and a half later.  We're thinking it's teeth (isn't it always?).  He's been putting his fingers in his mouth and drooling a lot (at least more than normal!).  Poor thing - he's a trooper though and making the best of it.  He's been adding more and more to his vocabulary.  He's pointing at things and saying the words.  Lisa and I are so excited.

Have a great week and pray for Lisa that this baby will come soon!

Love, Rich, Lisa & Logan


Added 9/14

Hi Everyone,  It was a fun weekend with Logan.  I've got most of the major projects done, so I was able to spend some quality time with Lisa and the boy - which we really needed before the baby comes.  Things are going fine here - Lisa is as miserable as ever and is counting down the days till Baby Girl decides to seek new shelter.  The baby is now full term and the doctors told us this past Tuesday that if the baby came, it is close enough to full term that they wouldn't stop it.  Amazing to think that there's a fully developed baby inside Lisa's tummy - just waitin' to come out!

We're relieved that is looks like Hurricane Isabel will be taking a turn northward and missing our coast.  I sure hope that thing weakens before it gets to shore.  Scary stuff.

Have a great week! Love, Rich, Lisa, & Logan

Added 9/7

Hi All,  It was a rainy one this weekend.  Made the whole weekend lazy.  Luckily, we didn't get hit by the tropical storm coming over the state - we were supposed to get up to 6 inches.  Logan is talking more and more.  He's mimicking Lisa and I a lot and pointing things out like "Elmo" and "bubbles".  We're also seeing him pretend more and more.  Have a great week!  Love, Rich, Lisa, & Logan

Added 9/1

Hi Everyone,  It's been really nice having a three day weekend.  I've been going into work pretty early in the morning and it was great being able to sleep in till 7 or 7:30.  If I was still in college, I'd be shocked that I now call 7am "sleeping in"!  My friend Ron came over for another day of work on Saturday.  We finished up Baby Girl's book case - got it sanded, primed and painted.  We also primed and painted an unfinished chest of drawers for Logan so Baby Girl could get the changing table.  I also put together the used crib that I sanded down and painted.  You can see our progress on Baby Girl's Page.

We took Logan to the beach for a little bit this morning.  He really gets into the water.  The first thing he did was run directly towards the waves.  He took a couple of spills and was one sandy mess when we got home.  I've also included one of the best "lower lip" pictures we've ever taken.  When that lip comes out - watch out!

Have a great week!  Love, Rich, Lisa, & Logan