June 2005 Archives

Added 6/15

Hi Everyone,

Nothing much new to report this week.  Hannah has been enjoying having her hair up in "piggies".  In fact, she cried tonight when Lisa was taking them out to put her to bed.  I guess she's getting used to them!

You might ask - what are Hannah and Logan doing wearing stocking caps?  Apparently they thought it was necessary this past weekend when it was raining.  They both insisted on wearing their hats out in the rain.  I'm sure we looked like some strange family walking into Village Inn Saturday morning for breakfast, but what are you going to do?  Our kids are a little off kilter (from Lisa's side of the family, of course)...

Have a great rest of the week!  Love, Rich, Lisa, Logan & Hannah

Added 6/5

Hi All,

Not many pictures this week.  We put up a small pool outside this weekend and Hannah and Logan got to swim in it for the first time tonight.  They had a blast and are now sleeping very soundly as I write this.  As you can see from the last picture, it was taking Logan awhile to warm up this evening after getting out of the pool. 

I've forgotten what it's like to not have body fat to depend on for warmth!

Have a great week!  Love, Rich, Lisa, Logan & Hannah