March 2004 Archives

Added 3/28

Hi All,  Not as many pictures this week.  The first is a sweet one of Logan swinging with his Mommy.  The second is what we saw Logan doing yesterday when he should have been taking his nap!  Then a couple of our sweet little Hannah taken today with her Daddy.

Logan has been enjoying the outdoors this past week.  It's been great weather here to get outside - he's been playing with bubbles, balls, and swings this week.  Hannah is getting more and more animated each day.  She is so interested in everything around her and wants to touch it all.  She is just the happiest little thing.

Have a great week!  Love, Rich, Lisa, Logan & Hannah

Added 3/21

Hi Everyone,  I'm making up for not posting pictures last week with 16 pictures from the last two weeks.  Uncle Mike and I spent last weekend dismantling and building a project for Logan.  A friend of ours offered us their massive playground set because their kids have outgrown it.  So I rented a 24 foot truck and Mike and I spent Saturday taking it down, loading it up, trucking it here, and unloading it - took about 9 hours.  We then turned around on Sunday and put it together in our back yard - another 8 hours.  Needless to say, Uncle Mike and Rich's bodies were in serious pain the next week.  But as Mike said Sunday night as Logan was playing on the equipment before bedtime, "This past half hour has made the last 48 hours totally worth it!"

Hannah is finally rolling both ways!  She's doing great.  Today she took to blowing raspberries - getting a big kick out of that.  Today we went to the beach and Hannah got to wear her stylin' mermaid swimsuit.  I wish we had some pictures from the beach, but I spent my time chasing around a very excited boy and Lisa laid out with Hannah.  Hannah was in a tent, but she at least got to breath in some salt air...

Have a great week!  Love, Rich, Lisa, Logan & Hannah

Added 3/7

Hi All,  We solved the problem with Logan staying up after 10PM playing in his room - we took the light bulbs out of his ceiling!  Logan didn't like it so much the first night.  After I left his room I could hear him get out of bed and hit the light switch.  There was a bit of a pause and then about 10 minutes of Logan yelling "light, light, light!".  After that, he went to sleep and he's been getting a good night sleep ever since.  I guess it goes to show that sometimes the easiest solutions are the best ones.

Hannah had us worried earlier in the week.  She had a fever of 102, so Lisa took her and Logan to the doctor.  Turned out Hannah was okay, but Lisa had the doctor look at Logan too since one of his lymph nodes was still swollen.  Turns out he had a sinus infection.  The doctor determined Hannah was probably just teething.  He was probably right since her fever went away the next day.

Logan is still feeling a little sluggish, but he seems to be recuperating.

Have a great week!  Love, Rich, Lisa, Logan & Hannah