December 2003 Archives

Added 12/28

Merry Christmas!  We have all kinds of pictures in store for you this holiday season.  I've moved the rest of December's photos over to the Archives section.  We had a really good Christmas this year.  Santa was good to everyone and most of all God has been good to us this year, blessing us with our little girl Hannah and our ornery boy Logan.

Hannah is starting to react to her surroundings.  We got some really good pictures of her this time around.  Logan had a really good time with all of his gifts.  He is one spoiled little boy.  He's gotten a kick out of his new train set and his Home Depot tool set (thanks Aunt Jackie!).  He used his booster seat for the first time today - so I guess his high chair will get put away until Hannah needs it.  Another milestone...

Have a Happy New Year!  Love, Rich, Lisa, Logan, and Hannah

Added 12/21

Hi Everyone,  I hope you are feeling better than our family this past week.  We've all been sick to varying degrees - Lisa and Hannah have had head colds and Logan and I have had chest colds.  Logan's turned into bronchitis, which is no fun at all.  He went to the doctor on Thursday and it sounds like it's going to take some time for him to get better.  He's been coughing a lot and not sleeping well.  We'd feel more sorry for him, but mix in his feeling bad with the "terrible twos" and we've had a holy-terror on our hands!  Lisa and Hannah are starting to feel better and I'm coming around too, so hopefully we'll all be feeling better by Christmas. 

I've also put a couple more pictures up of our back porch - it's coming along.  The stucco was completed last week and the tile should be put in next week, depending on the weather...

We hope you all have a Merry (and healthy) Christmas!  Love, Rich, Lisa, Logan & Hannah

Added 12/14

Hi All, We have some pretty good pics this week.  On Saturday we went to a Christmas party at a local park with a bunch of friends with kids that are Logan's age.  For some reason, it hit me that day that Logan is such a little boy - running around with other little boys, doing little boy things.  Running, climbing, talking, laughing and most of all amazing his daddy how the past two years have flown right by!

The first picture in this group has to be my favorite of Hannah taken so far.  Lisa took it before braving the Florida cold.  We were able to snap a few more pictures of Logan acknowledging Hannah's presence.  He even pretended to give her a drink!  Have a great week - Love, Rich, Lisa, Logan & Hannah


Added 12/07

Hi Everyone,  This weekend went way too fast.  We had my company Christmas party on Saturday and a birthday party this morning.  As you'll see below, Logan really enjoyed the cake and ice cream.  Hannah is smiling more and more - she's just the sweetest little girl.  She slept through the night once last week, so we know we're blessed...

Have a great week!  Love, Rich, Lisa, Logan & Hannah